Do Only Catholics Pray the Rosary?

Did you ever think, I would like to pray the rosary but I
am not Catholic - is it okay?  Or maybe, I want to pray
the rosary but do not know if I should, is it just a
"Catholic thing".  How awesome it is that people are
discovering the rosary regardless of their faith.  Are you
wondering if praying the rosary will make you
"Catholic"?  No, praying the rosary will not make you
Catholic, and yes, it is okay to pray the rosary regardless
of your faith.  The rosary includes meditation on
scriptural passages (Mysteries) that tell the life of Jesus.  
These Mysteries include important moments in the Life
of Jesus and His Mother.  I like to think of the rosary
prayer as a walk with the Mother of Jesus as She tells me
a story about Her Son.  These beautiful stories begin
with the Angel Gabriel's Annunciation to Mary and
conclude with stories beyond His Death, His  Glorious
Resurrection and His Ascension to Heaven.

What is Mary's Role?

Many Protestants are not quite sure how Mary fits into
all of this - other than the fact that she takes our hand
and tells us the story of her son like any proud mom
would do.  I once read this about Mary, "if she was good
enough for Jesus, she is good enough for me."  If Jesus
is our brother, then Mary is our mother.  I hear that
more and more Protestants are understanding this
mystery of Mary and are embracing her role without
feeling it is a "Catholic thing" or that they are putting
Mary before Jesus.  Remember, on the cross Jesus
affirmed that Mary is our Mother when he said to Mary
"Woman, there is your son" and turning to the disciple
said "There is your mother".  Rest assured, we do not
worship Mary.  We do honor her, and rightfully so!  For
a wonderful and more detailed explanation
please visit this link.

This is a good site to understand other misconceptions
about the Catholic Church and its teachings.

We are All the Family of God!

This is great news as we are all the family of God, the
body of Christ, regardless of our church preferences.
Hail Mary and the Our Father beads simply keep
track of these passages so we can meditate on this, the
greatest of all stories.  Perhaps it would be a good idea to
pray a Rosary with the intention that regardless of our
faiths, we all learn to do as Jesus commanded, "To love
one another as he has loved us".

"I give you a new commandment: By your love for one
another.  Such as my love has been for you, so must
your love be for each other.  This is how all will know
you for my disciples: your love for one another."
John (14:34)

I invite you to take about 15 minutes each day and
return to this site to pray this Scriptural Rosary.  The
scripture passages really help me to meditate on that
particular moment in the life of Jesus.  I believe you will
find they do the same for you and I sincerely hope that
you will make a daily Rosary an integral part of your life.

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