You do not need a rosary to pray the Rosary Prayer.  To
pray the Scriptural Rosary on this site simply start on
the home page, go to the mysteries that you would like to
meditate on and follow the guide on each page.
If you can read, you can pray the Scriptural Rosary, it's
that easy! Some may have to memorize the "Hail Mary",
but that's a good thing.

Watch this video on how to pray the Holy Rosary

How To Pray The Holy Rosary

1.  While holding the crucifix, make the Sign of the Cross
and then recite  the Apostle's Creed.

2.  Recite the Our Father on the first large (or single)

3.  On each of the three small beads, recite a Hail Mary
for an increase of faith, hope and charity.

4.  Recite the Glory Be to the Father after the third Hail

5.  Recall the first Rosary Mystery and then recite the
Our Father on the next large bead.

6.  On each of the adjacent ten small beads recite a Hail
Mary while reflecting on the first mystery.
(One Our Father and ten repetitions of the Hail Mary is
considered a decade)

7.  After the tenth Hail Mary, recite a Glory Be to the
Father and the Fatima Prayer (Optional).

8.  Each succeeding decade is prayed in a similar
manner by recalling the appropriate mystery, reciting an
Our Father, ten Hail Marys, the Glory Be to the Father,
Fatima Prayer (Optional) while reflecting on the mystery.

9.  When the fifth mystery is completed, the Rosary is
customarily concluded with a Hail, Holy Queen, and
then the closing prayer(s).  The closing prayers are also

10.  For the intentions of the Holy Father, one may recite
at the end of the Rosary one "Our Father", one "Hail
Mary", and one "Glory Be".

Famous Quotes About The Holy Rosary

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